Digital Signature Settings

IBCS (Formerly Eureka Infotech) provides Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate in kolkata , Encryption and DGFT DSC. You can use our Digital Signature in MCA, DGFT, eGramswaraj, EPFO, MGNREGA, GST, Income Tax, ePension and many more websites.

Some useful links related to Digital Signature

  1. eMudhra Repository Get all DSC application documents and related Software.
  2. Java download link
  3. Download Mozilla Firefox 51 32 bit version

Digital Signature Settings for MGNREGA Website

The following steps are required for DSC signing in MGNREGA Portal

  1. Check your Mozilla Firefox version and it should be below Mozilla 52, 32 bit version. You can also use Microsoft Edge browser but make sure that Internet Explorer mode is enabled. You have to add MGNRGEA & Concerned DSC signing website in it and run as IE mode.
  2. Check JAVA version and it should be 32 bit. If you are using 64 bit version , download java for 32 bit.
  3. Download DSC eToken software like ePass Auto 2003 token.
  4. Add [ ] in JAVA settings. Go to control panel > Select Java> Add Website in the Setting Option. Clear all temporary file from General tab of Java.
  5. Login in MGNREGA and process FTOs.

Digital Signature Settings for EPFO (Unified Portal)

EPFO, which stands for Employees’ Provident Fund Organization, is a special organization in India that takes care of a fantastic savings scheme called the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) and the Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS).

The steps to be followed to sign DSC in EPFO Portal (Unifed Portal)

  1. Login into EPFO portal using your credentials.
  2. Download DSC signer utility 1.0.0 from EPF porta and install it. Check DSC Signer document file and read steps. After installation hide DSC signer utility.
  3. Open Chrome and go to settings. Then Go to Privacy Settings> Manage Device Certificate. Then insert Digital Signature into your USB port and click on Trusted Root Certification Authorities> Click import> Click Next> Click Browse> Local Disk C> Programe Files 86> DSC Service> 1.0.0> dscCA2023 (Click all files) > Click next and publish> Click Okay and close.
  4. Then go EPFO portal and approve files using DSC.
  5. Make sure that all Java and DSC drivers are properly install in your system.

Digital Signature Settings for eProcurement Portal/ WBTENDER

The steps to be followed to upload files and sign through WBTENDER portal.

  1. Check your Mozilla Firefox version and it should be below Mozilla 52, 32 bit version. You can also use Microsoft Edge browser but make sure that Internet Explorer mode is enabled. You have to add eProcurement Portal like WBTENDER link into it and run as IE mode.
  2. Check JAVA version and it should be 32 bit. If you are using 64 bit version , download java for 32 bit.
  3. Download DSC eToken software like ePass Auto 2003 token.
  4. Add eProcurement/WBTENDER website link in JAVA settings. Go to control panel > Select Java> Add Website in the Setting Option. Clear all temporary file from General tab of Java.
  5. Login using your credential and upload tender files.

Please note that IBCS is providing Complete eTender Training both Government users and Bidders through Online Anydesk or Teamviewer. Call us 9749373200 for eTender training or any other DSC related technical support (payable).

Digital Signature Settings for ePension Portal

The steps to be followed to sign documents in WB ePension Portal.

  1. Please check your Mozilla Firefox version and it should be below Mozilla 52, 32 bit version. You can also use Microsoft Edge browser but make sure that Internet Explorer mode is enabled. You have to add ePension Portal into it and run as IE mode.
  2. Check JAVA version and it should be 32 bit. If you are using 64 bit version , download java for 32 bit.
  3. Download DSC eToken software like ePass Auto 2003 token
  4. Add ePension Portal website link in JAVA settings. Go to control panel > Select Java> Add Website in the Setting Option. Clear all temporary file from General tab of Java.
  5. Login using your credential and run DSC.